November 11, 2010

Cool Collector
# Art Files

Ben Wilson has spend the last six years transforming the gum that the everyday folks leave behind into art! With his little acrylic painting kit he has decorated a lot of streets in his hometown London. to transform the gum that the everyday folks leave behind in to art. Occasionally he will sign his work the chewing gum man but sometimes there is no room and you will mostly see his initials BW instead.

There have been a few issues with the police who have twice arrested him for criminal damage. However, unlike the gum the charges did not stick as the act of spitting the gum on to the ground was the damage, not the painting of it afterwards. He produces his own work but gladly takes commission from people and organizations – sometimes from unexpected sources. Recently the Royal Society of Chemistry asked him to create 118 paintings – one for each of the know elements.

I really love this idea of transforming something dirty in something beautiful, however in the end I believe it’s better when everyone just puts his gum in the waste bin! Read the full story about this special artist here.

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