May 24, 2010

Cool Collector # Media Files

Just discovered this French magazine “Amusement”, it’s a really cool concept!

The time has come for a landmark video game magazine. Transversal, curious, thoughtful : AMUSEMENT redefines the video game magazine with style and precision. Cultural and political references as well as surprising artistic connections provide readers of this thematic quarterly with a unique view of the gaming world. Geared towards those who are passionate about video games and who want reliable and hot off the press information as well as towards amateurs too often disappointed by over-specialized gaming magazines, AMUSEMENT envisions itself as the go-to
magazine for information on the most significant media of this century”

This really is a refreshing magazine, on their website you can find lots of really cool editorials. It does not only show the ‘ins and outs’ of gaming, but also shows the art and beauty of games. It just looks really good and it really reflects on todays culture!

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