May 12, 2010

Cool Collector # Media Files

There’s a lot of fashionphotography that makes you think : ‘where is the fashion?’. Porn-chic editorials that show no more fashion information than three bracelets and some socks or shoes. It makes me always wonder if it’s still fashion photography or just a cheap way of filling up a magazine. Apparently there are a lot of fashion photography lovers that don’t like to see a lot of fashion, and believe you can be fashionable naked. The growing success of sexy, porn chic magazines like Jacques Magazine, Purple or Nico proves that. The latest magazine that focuses on this trend is Nude Paper Magazine. “Nude Paper is an art magazine for centerfold enthusiasts. Nude Paper is a fashion magazine for the under-dressed and oversexed.
Nude Paper is for photographers and artists who believe in nudity being more than just plain old nakedity.”
Comparing to Jacques Magazine their concept is very clear! The title says what it is and what I really find funny is the way they describe their targetgroup ‘the underdressed and oversexed’. I’m really curious to see it! Watch their blog here, it already gives an impression of what we can expect!

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